01 Лис 2013

Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Prunenko — Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Dmitriy A. Prunenko was born in 1971. In 1994 he graduated from the Kharkov State Economic University, specialty “Business Economy Accounting, Control and Analysis”. From 1999 to 2002 he was full-time postgraduate student at the Kharkov State Engineering Construction and Architecture University. In 2009 he defended the thesis for the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.05 – “Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economics”.
Period of service
– September, 1988– August, 1989 : Laboratory Assistant at Computer Equipment and Programming Department, Kharkov State Economic University;
– July, 1994 – February, 1997 : Senior Auditing Controller at Kharkov Controlling and Auditing Department of Controlling and Auditing Administration in Kharkov oblast
– February, 1997 – November, 1999 : Accountant at “Audit-Missiya” Limited Liability Company;
– November, 1999 – November, 2002 : Full-time postgraduate courses at Kharkov State Engineering Construction and Architecture University;
– January, 2003 – September, 2011 : Senior Lecturer at Transport System and Logistics Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy
– September, 2011 till present time : Associate Professor at Transport System and Logistics Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy
Subject of Candidate’s dissertation : “Improvement of Organizational and Methodological Mechanism for Generation of Clusters of Nonmetal Construction Materials in Regions of Ukraine”. The thesis is focused on solution of the following tasks:
development of economic system for open-pit quarrying of nonmetal materials;
optimization of function-marketing component of partnership model, suggestion to establish state-and-private partnership relations;
development of economic-mathematical model of optimization of investment project selection for a cluster and specific calculations made to enhance synergetic effect;
development of econometric model of dependence of operating costs per unit of nonmetal material products;
calculation of coefficients of influence of each factor on parameter, calculation of specific values of such factors and parameter prediction;
development of econometric models in respect of each region of Ukraine, which represent dependences of indices of finished construction volumes upon main factors, calculation, on their basis, of coefficients of each factor influence on parameter.
Dmitriy A. Prunenko is a lecturer in the following disciplines: “Transport Economics”, “Supply Chain Management”, “Transport General Course”
He takes active part in international conferences, seminars and conferences for the professorial and teaching personnel of the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, as well as in annual state-budget departmental work in field “System Facilities for Process Engineering, Management, Logistic and Ergonomic Maintenance of Urban Transport Processes” (state registration No. 0107U0000252). She guides student research work.
During the period of the research work he was an author of more than 40 research and methodological papers, including the following most recent papers:
1. D.O. Prunenko. Identification of Fundamentals for Steady Development of Ukraine // Urban Municipal Economy. Issue 92. Series: Economic Sciences. – Kyiv: “Tekhnika”, 2010, pages 154 – 158.
2. D.O. Prunenko. Problem Issues of Material Flow Management // Urban Municipal Economy. Issue 92. Series: Economic Sciences. – Kyiv: “Tekhnika”, 2010, pages 158 – 160.
3. D.O. Prunenko. Fundamentals of State Regulation of Environmentally-Safe Operation of Mining and Construction Complexes // Theory and Practice of State Management No. 3 (30) Kh.: “Magistr” Publishing House, Kharkov National Motor and Road Construction University, 2010, pages 190-199.
4. D.O. Prunenko. Some Details Pertaining to Bases of Territorial Branch-wise System of Management on Market of Minerals and Raw Materials Resources // “Business-Inform”, No. 8, 2010 , pages 105 – 114
5. Ye.V. Gavrilov, Yu.O. Davidich, D.O. Prunenko, and others. Problems of Ergonomics and Logistics in Municipal Transport Systems: Monograph. — Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy – Gorlivka: “Likhtar” Publishing House, 2009. – 516 pages
Lines of research work: improvement of accounting systems in sphere of transport; application of advanced methods for management of finance systems in sphere of transport; improvement of effectiveness of management of carriage processes
Personal e-mail address: prunenkod@rambler.ru

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