Pursuant to the decision that was made by the Academic Council of the Academy on December 28, 2002 and Rector’s Order No. 123-01, dated December 29, 2002, there was established the graduate Transport System and Logistics Department of the Management Faculty. Beginning from 2003, the Department has been headed by Viktor Konstantinovich, Dolia, a noted scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Viktor Konstantinovich Dolia is an expert in the field of transport, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1993), Professor (1995). Viktor Konstantinovich Dolia took the post of Dean at the Management Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy. He is an author of about 150 research publications, including 2 monographs and 3 teaching handbooks. Main line of research: “Development of Theoretic Bases of Passenger Traffic Management in Largest Cities of Ukraine and outside it”. Viktor K. Dolia, the Professor, has trained more than twenty postgraduate students (in particular, the following students defended their theses: Candidate’s dissertations – Yu.A. Davidich, A.O. Lobashov, P.F. Gorbachiov, N.U. Giulev, O.N. Sheptura, A.N. Goriainov, V.A. Vdovichenko, A.V. Prasolenko, Ye.I. Kush, D.P. Ponkratov, Ye.I. Lezhneva, D.N. Roslavtsev, Ye.Ye. Vakulenko, Ya.V. San’ko, Ye.M. Yermak, M.Ye. Kristopchuk, T.A. Samis’ko, T.V. Volobuyeva, V.V. Sabadash, Doctoral dissertations – Yu.A. Davidich, A.O. Lobashov). During the period of his work as Head of the Transport System and Logistics Department two laboratories were established (computer engineering laboratory, ergonomic and transport problem laboratory). The laboratory equipment, as well as the material and technical resources of the Department keep to be updated and improved.
Grounding on Order of Higher Certification Committee of Ukraine No. 7-08/8, dated October 11, 2007, Viktor K. Dolia was appointed the Chairman of Specialized Academic Council Д64.089.03 attached to the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy for defense of Candidate’s and Doctoral dissertations in specialties 05.22.01 “Transport Systems” and 05.01.04 “Ergonomics”.
The professional personnel employed with the Transport System and Logistics Department has accumulated extensive many-year experience in training specialists in the field of traffic and transport management, are the initiators of the “Logistics” specialty established in Eastern Ukraine and carry out the theory-and-practice logistic work.
There has been established cooperation with the following mainline foreign higher schools: Moscow Motor and Road Construction Institute – Engineering University, Volgograd State Engineering University, Irkutsk State Engineering University, St. Petersburg National Planning Engineer University, Tver’ National Engineering University, Tula National University, Belarus’ National Engineering University, Siberian State Motor and Road Construction Academy, East Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev National Engineering University, Europäіsches Bіldungsіnstіtut Gmbh. Viktor K. Dolia takes part in the work carried out by the European Association of Logisticians.
The highly skilled experts are involved in fruitful work at the Department, including, in particular, Professors, Doctors of Technical Sciences (Yu.A. Davidich, A.O. Lobashov), Associate Professors, Candidate of Technical Sciences ( A.V. Prasolenko, D.N. Roslavtsev, Ya.V. San’ko, D.P. Ponkratov, Ye.I. Kush, Ye.Ye. Vakulenko, N.U. Giulev, Ye.M. Yermak, V.V. Sabadash, G.I. Faletskaya, D.L. Burko,  I.A. Afanasiyeva, A.S. Galkin, M.V. Olkhova), Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences (D.A. Prunenko), teachers (N.A. Sokolova, Ye.V. Litomin,  I.A. Tolmachiov,), Laboratory Head (N.V. Shille), Laboratory Assistants (O.V. Moskalenko, A.O. Gurina)
Eduard Vasiliyevich, Gavrilov worked at the Transport System and Logistics Department from 2003 to 2006. E.V. Gavrilov is a prominent expert in the field of transport systems and ergonomics, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1983), Professor (1987), Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine (1998), Academician of the Transport Academy of Russia, Academician of the Aerospace Academy of Sciences, active member of the New-York Academy of Sciences. The research work carried out by Eduard V. Gavrilov is addressed to the analyses of behavior of man-machine systems in the space surface layer. Eduard V. Gavrilov is a developer of a theory of standard driver’s behavior on motor roads and theoretical fundamentals of motor road ergonomic engineering and traffic management. E.V. Gavrilov is an author of more than 300 research papers, 8 monographs, 7 teaching handbooks, regulatory documents addressed to the issues of construction of motor roads.
In 2004 the following new specialties were established at the Department to consider current demands and prospects of the development of transport industry in Ukraine: “Traffic and Transport Management”, “Traffic Management and Control” (line of study: “Transport Processes”) and the “Logistics” specialty (line of study “Management”). The departmental research work is based on complex subject “Process Engineering, Management, Logistic and Ergonomic Maintenance of Transport Processes”. Special importance is attached to the issues of traffic safety and management, process engineering of municipal transport processes, logistic control over city transport processes, management of supply chains, logistic center management and control, transport development planning and prediction.
The principal lines of the departmental research work are the study of passenger transport systems (in general and specific transport systems in large cities), analyses of cargo carriage transport systems (generation of rational routes, optimization of in-site transport systems), investigation of influence of drivers’ functional conditions on traffic parameters, analyses and development of measures to improve traffic of transport facilities, logistic centers and processes of their operation, logistic management of city transport processes, planning and prediction in field of transport. The above lines of the research work are consistent with types of specialists’ and masters’ training.
The following recent work has been done by the Department under the commercial contracts: “Long-term Prediction of Design Speed of Traffic in State-Purpose Motor Roads” – for the Motor Roads Service in Odessa oblast; “Development of Rational Route System for Belgorod Passenger Transport” – for the Architecture and Urban Planning Department of Belgorod oblast Administration, “Improvement of Network of Municipal Passenger Transport in Nikolayev” – for the Nikolayev City Council, “Improvement of Route Passenger Traffic System in Berdiansk” – for the Berdiansk Town Council.
It may be noted that the Department teaching personnel have their research papers steadily published in professional science-and-technology collections of Ukraine and outside it. In addition, the Department teachers participate regularly in international, republican and local science conferences, science-and-technology conference of the Academy.
The Department provides for functions of methodological seminars. The system of mutual attendance of classes by the teachers has become a traditional feature, the results of such attendance being discussed at the Department meetings. Besides, the Department personnel are engaged in the extensive social work focused on the aspects of students’ education. The teachers take active part in the activities carried out by the trade-union organization, work as group coordinators. All training courses are provided with appropriate methodological materials, which conform to the state standards.
The subject matter of graduation theses is vital and conforms to the state of the art in the sphere of modern science, technology, as well as meets the requirements set forth by the present-day economic conditions in Ukraine. Application of the advanced computer technologies, preparation of reports in the form of presentations, involving the use of multimedia equipment are among the advantages of the process of defense of graduation theses.
Over the last five years, the Department has trained 195 experts and 86 masters in specialty “Transport Systems”, 83 experts and 74 masters in specialty “Traffic and Transport Management”, 73 experts and 82 master in specialty “Traffic Management and Control”, as well as 61 experts and 54 masters in specialty “Logistics”. The Department personnel steadily promotes the quality of the system of training bachelors, specialists and masters.

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