Andrey Sergeyevich Galkin — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Andrey S. Galkin was born in 1986. In 2004 he entered the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy to study in specialty “Local Self-government Management”. In 2008 he was granted the bachelor’s diploma with honors. Andrey S. Galkin was transferred to specialty “Project Management in Sphere of Municipal Economy and Civil Engineering”. In 2008 he gave a report on subject “Mechanism for Solving Problem of Housing Stock Extensive Repair”, was granted a second-degree diploma for the participation in the All-Ukrainian Contest of Creative Projects “If I were a mayor”, which was held by the Association of Cities and Communities of Ukraine. During the final years of studies (2006-2007) he received the personal scholarship of the “Academy Scientific Council”. In 2009 he graduated from the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy with honors and was granted the master’s degree.
from 2009 to 2010 : teacher trainee; from 2010 till today: work as Assistant at the Transport System and Logistics Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy.
Andrey S. Galkin is a lecturer in the following disciplines: “Cargo Carriage”, “Engineering Analysis”, “Study of Operations in Transport Systems”, “Fundamental Engineering Analysis”, “Fundamental Logistic System Engineering”, “Supply Chain Management”, “Logistic Servicing”, “City Transport and Roads”, “Logistics”, “Fundamentals of Transport Process Theory”, “Fundamental Theory of Management Systems”.
He takes an active part in international conferences, seminars and conferences for the teaching and professorial personnel of the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, as well as in the annual state-budget Department work in field “System Facilities for Process Engineering, Management, Logistic and Ergonomic Maintenance of Urban Transport Processes (State Registration No. 01070110000252). He carries out guidance of the students’ research and graduate work.
During the period of the work at the Transport System and Logistics Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, he was the author of the following 7 methodological papers:
1) A.N. Goriainov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. Galkin. Influence of Material Flows on Tariff Generation Process // Urban Municipal Economy: Science-and-Technology Collection, issue 79. – Kh.: “Tekhnika”, 2007. Pages 313- 319
2) A.S. Galkin. Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy. Study of Outsourcing in Process of Motor Transport Inter-City Traffic // 2nd All-Ukrainian Student Theory-and-Practice Conference “Management and Marketing in Nonproduction Sphere: Theory, Practice, Prospects”, Yalta, 2007, pages 16-17
3) A.N. Goriainov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. Galkin. Algorithm for Choosing Client by Carrier // Urban Municipal Economy: Science-and-Technology Collection, issue 79. – Kh.: “Tekhnika”, 2008. Pages 337- 344.
4) A.N. Goriainov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. Galkin. Algorithm for Choosing Client by Carrier // Stability of Urban Development. Management of Projects and Programs for Urban and Regional Development: Materials to 4th International Theory-and-Practice Internet-Conference. – Kharkov: Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, 2008. Pages 243- 247.
5) A.N. Goriainov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. Galkin. Algorithm for Choosing Client by Carrier // Stability of Urban Development. Management of Projects and Programs for Urban and Regional Development: Materials to 4th International Theory-and-Practice Internet-Conference. – Kharkov: Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, 2008. Pages 243- 247.
6) K.Yu. Budnichenko, Research Supervisor, A.S. Galkin. Analysis of Factors Influencing Choice of Traffic Route by Passengers // Materials to 6th All-Ukrainian Student Theory-and-Practice Conference “Stability in Urban Developemnt”, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy: in 4 parts / part 1 – Kh.: Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy, 2011. — Pages 49-50
7) Ye.I. Kush, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. Galkin, N.S. Timoshevska. To Issue of Logistic System Synergetic Effect in Process of All-inclusive Transport Servicing // Urban Municipal Economy: Science-and-Technology Collection, issue 101. – Kh.: “Tekhnika”, 2011. Pages 301- 306.
Scientific interests: Study of Transport Processes in Logistic Systems.