Traffic Management and Control

(specialty 7.07010104, 8.07010104)


  • Transport Engineer (specialist)
  • Research Worker in Field of Transport (Master)

Positions that can be held by graduating students: Head of Traffic Safety Department, Transport Department Manager, Head of Security Department, Labor Protection and Traffic Safety Engineer, Traffic Controller, Traffic Service Operator, Traffic Safety Controller, Inspector, etc.

Starting wage: UAH 2500-3000

Potential place of employment: traffic safety departments at transport companies, research and design institutes, labor protection and transport safety state supervision agencies, specialized installation and service agencies relating to Department of Motor Vehicles and Traffic Control, etc. enterprises and companies dealing with parking of transport facilities, etc.

Spheres of work: management, research and development, designing and engineering work at organizations, institutions and enterprises providing for safe traffic conditions in urban street networks

Skills: communication line engineering, ability to adopt methods of management of municipal transport flows, rules of application of special hardware for purposes of traffic management and control

Cost of contract-based training:

  • Full-time course of training: UAH 8600 / year
  • Correspondence course of training: UAH 4800 / year

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