Transport Systems

(specialty 7.07010101, 8.07010101)


  • Transport Engineer (Specialist)
  • Research Worker in Transport Field (Master)

Positions than can be held by graduating students: Director of Transport Company, Transport Department Manager, Transport Manager, Traffic Manager, Transport Engineer, Urban Planning Design Engineer, Traffic Service Dispatcher, Inspector, Design Engineer, Engineer for Implementation of New Equipment and Processes, etc.

Starting wage:  UAH 2500-3000

Potential place of employment:  transport companies, transport and communication departments at state and local administration bodies, research and design institutes, etc. Spheres of work: management work at transport state administration bodies, transport departments at local self-administration bodies and transport companies of different forms of property.

Skills: knowledge of regulatory environment of operation of transport management system, management of economics and principles of transport commercial operations, organization of interaction between transport of different types, , fundamentals of foreign-economic relations and customs operations.

Cost of contract-based training:

  • Full-time course of training: UAH 8600 / year,
  • Correspondence course of training UAH 4800 / year

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