Aleksei Olegovich Lobashov – Department Head, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Aleksei O. Lobashov was born in 1961. In 1983 he graduated from the Kharkov Motor and Road Construction Institute, Motor Transport Faculty, specialty “Motor Vehicles and Motor Industry”. In 1993 he was granted the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.22.10 — Operation of Motor Transport. Subject of Candidate’s dissertation: “Development of Methods for Rational Scheduling of Taxi Car Release on Lines”. In 1996 he was granted the academic title of Associate Professor.
From 2003 till now Aleksei O. Lobashov has worked as Associate Professor at the Transport System and Logistics Department of the Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy. In 2011 he defended the Doctoral Thesis in specialty 05.22.01 — “Transport Systems”. Subject of Doctoral Thesis: — “Theoretical Fundamentals for Generation of Transport Streams in Largest Cities”. The thesis work is focused on solving the following tasks:
– development of a system of mathematical models of dependence of transport stream characteristics upon transport network parameters, which allows to improve functions of transport networks in largest cities;
– establishment of laws and models of dependence of characteristics of transport streams and factors of effective functioning of transport networks in largest cities upon transport network density and motorization level, which afford an opportunity to estimate the results of implementation of comprehensive transport patterns, long-term projects for reconstruction and development of transport networks in largest cities, calculate the transport stream parameters, following implementation of specific transport network reconstruction programs;
– suggestion of the model for changing transport demand parameters in largest cities, depending on the level of motorization, which enables to define prospective values of transport stream generation volumes in cities and make use of such information at the stage of the development of transport network reconstruction projects;
– development of the model for urban transport network operation, which can be applied to the sphere of traffic management at the stage of planning temporary traffic restrictions associated with the performance of civil engineering and repair operations, mass cultural and sports events; the model can also be applicable to traffic automated control systems;
– development of recommendations as to management of parking network parameters in largest cities, basing on derived laws of changes in characteristics of transport streams and factors of effectiveness of transport network operation in largest cities upon parking network parameters; the above recommendations can be used to assess advisability of arrangement and identify rational parameters of the parking network.
Aleksei O. Lobashov is a lecturer in the following disciplines: “Traffic Management”, “Management of Different-Type Transport Traffic”, “Urban Transport Planning”.
In recent years he has taken part in the following commercial-contract research work carried out at the Transport System and Logistics Department, Kharkov National Municipal Economy Academy: “Ergonomic Maintenance of Traffic Safety” (state registration No. 0106U009120) and “Theoretical Bases of Energy-Saving Processes in Systems of Urban Passenger Traffic” (state registration No. 0109U000761).
Today, he is an author of more than 60 research and methodological papers, including the following papers:
1. Transport System Problems : Monograph / [N.A. Nefedov, A.O. Lobashov, Yu.A. Davidich, and others]; under general editorship of V.K. Dolia. — Kh. : “RIO KHADTU”, 1999.- 100 pages
2. Problems of Ergonomics and Logistics in Urban Transport Systems : Monograph / [Ye.V. Gavrylov, Yu.O. Davidich, V.F. Kharchenko, and others]; edited by V.K. Dolia. – Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy – Gorlivka: “Likhtar” Publishing House, 2009. — 516 pages
3. O.O. Lobashov. Modeling Impact of Parking Network on Urban Transport Streams : Monograph / O.O. Lobashov; Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy – Kh: Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy, 2010. — 170 pages
4. City and Regional Problems of Ergonomics and Logistics : Monograph / [V.K. Dolia, Yu.O. Davidich, O.O. Lobashov, and others]. – Kh.: “NTMT”, 2011. – 201 pages
5. Aspects of Ergonomics and Logistics in Urban Transport Systems : Monograph / [V.K. Dolia, S.S. Ovchynnykov, K.Ye. Vakulenko, and others]. – Kh.: “NTMT”, 2011. – 217 pages
6. A.O. Lobashov. Algorithm of Distribution of Transport Streams in Cities / A.O. Lobashov, V.V. Liuty // Motor Transport. — 2000.- No. 4. — Pages 101-103.
7. A.O. Lobashov. Parking Network Influence on Distribution of Transport Streams in Cities / A.O. Lobashov, A.V. Prasolenko // Urban Municipal Economy. — 2004. – Issue 55. — Pages 142-147.
8. O.O. Lobashov. Methods for Analyzing Influence of Transport Network on Parameters of Transport Streams in Cities / / O.O. Lobashov // Information-Control Systems in Railway Transport. — 2010. — No. 2. — Pages 24-25.
9. O.O. Lobashov. Modeling Influence of Motorization Level on Effectiveness of Transport Network Operation / V.K. Dolia, O.O. Lobashov, O.V. Prasolenko // Bulletin of Donetsk Motor Transport Academy. — 2010. — Issue 3. — Pages 19-23.
10. O.O. Lobashov. Prospects for Extension of Stock of Vehicles in Cities / / V.K. Dolia, O.O. Lobashov, V.V. Kantsedal // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. — 2011. — Issue 2/4 (50). — Pages 20-22.
11. O.O. Lobashov. Practical training session in discipline “Traffic Management”: Teaching Handbook / O.O. Lobashov, O.V. Prasolenko;. – Kh.: Kharkiv National Municipal Economy Academy, 2011.- 221 pages. – ISBN 978-966-695-210-6.
Lines of research work: Improvement of Effectiveness and Safety of Transport Stream Traffic
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