OBTAINED RESULTS, NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND INNOVATIONS Master in SMArt transport and LOGistics for cities 585832-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Erasmus+: КА2 CBHE
from implementation the project
Master in SMArt transport and LOGistics for cities
Erasmus+: КА2 CBHE
Project duration: 15 October 2017 – 14 October 2020
According to EACEA.A.4 / EB / en / (2020) 005917 of 30 April 2020, the project implementation period has been extended to 14 October 2021.
Project goals and objectives:
To develop EU based advanced interdisciplinary Master Programme in the Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities focused on the integration of the smart transport and information technology into management of cities transport systems and to introduce them in the UA and GE Universities participating in SmaLog.
Specific project objectives are:
To develop and introduce by the end of the project some complementary measures which will support the Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities students’ training in UA and GE Universities in accordance with the EU standards and the Bologna process demands, in order to prepare graduates to address the new challenges coming from the cities, namely:
-System of UA&GE teachers’ skills upgrading;
-Methodological and technological support of the Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities students’ training;
-Methodological and technological support of the theoretical fundamentals of PhD Programme in Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities;
-International Quality Assurance System;
-Students’ and teachers’ mobility including virtual mobility.
Obtained results during the life of the project presented in the short “Report of obtained results from SmaLog implementation”.
The action specific activity of SmaLog is “curriculum development” and thus to develop new and innovative education programs aiming at improving the quality of higher education and its relevance for the labor market and society.
SmaLog is based on methodological and systemic approaches, and it is completely new in exploiting transport technologies. Therefore, beneficing of the experiences of the EU countries, the synergy-based logistic approach to managing freight and passenger traffic flows in cities in a unified city transport sub-system allows to give an answer to the growing UA&GE cities’ request (to increase the safety and effectiveness of transportation services decreasing the negative environmental impact of transport).
SmaLog allows UA&GE to fill current gap in having qualified specialists and experiences in smart transportation and logistics and to contribute in improving city sustainability and liveability.
In relation to the innovation on the quality of education and teaching offered by SmaLog, relevant is the integration of three major transport subsystems in the cities based on the smart technologies (freight, passenger-car, transit). SmaLog participants have successfully developed national and regional researches in this field.
Educational and scientific programme “Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities” were successfully development and implemented in the education by Transport systems and logistics Department O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.
Master Curricula were reviewed by EU reviewers, representatives of Industry sector, Internal by professors and Institute of Market Problems and Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Number of students enrolled according to SmaLog programme:
Academic year 2018/2020: 13 students;
Academic year 2019/2021: 16 students;
Academic year 2020/2022: 13 students.
Training of highly skilled specialists in this field could allow increasing the effectiveness of decisions taken, because they are based on the existing experiences and on the best practical solutions that had already been successfully implemented in Europe and worldwide.
To achieve this result, following activities were implemented:
– special mobility strand for students;
– teaching Mobility by EU Professors;
– training mobility for academic staff;
– E-learning system for academic staff allowed to spread EU experience in the area innovation in the transport systems and logistics;
– research center “Smart transport and logistics for cities”
Employability of alumni indicators is 90 %.
Teachers’ scientific publications in co-authorship with European partners
4. Comi A., Lobashov O., Olkhova M., Roslavtsev D., Vakulenko K. Implementation of Master programme in Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities // 17-а Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Проблеми підготовки професійних кадрів з логістики в умовах глобального конкурентного середовища: XVII МНПК», м. Київ, 25-26 жовтня 2019 р. – С. 193 – 196.
6. Comi A., Lobashov O., Olkhova M., Roslavtsev D., Vakulenko K. Implementation of Master programme in Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities // Проблеми підготовки професійних кадрів з логістики в умовах глобального конкурентного середовища: XVII МНПК 25-26 жовтня 2019 р. Збірник доповідей / Відпр. ред. М. Ю. Григорак, Л. В. Савченко. – К.: Сік Груп Україна, 2019. – С. 193-196.
7. Comi A., Lobashov O., Roslavtsev D., Olkhova M. Master in Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities within the Erasmus+ programme: approach and innovation // Young Researchers in the Global World : Vistas and Challenges : Book of papers of the 2020 International Forum for Young Researchers, Kharkiv, April 24, September 25, 2020 / O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Econоmy in Kharkiv, TESOL – Ukraine [and oth.]. – Львів: «Галицька видавнича спілка», 2020. – 446 p.
8. Antonio Comi, Norbert Gruenwald, Oleksii Lobashov, Kateryna Vakulenko, Yevhen Kush, Dmytro Burko TRAINING MOBILITY OF ERASMUS + PROJECT OF MASTER IN SMART TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS FOR CITIES // Young Researchers in the Global World : Vistas and Challenges : Book of papers of the 2020 International Forum for Young Researchers, Kharkiv, April 24, September 25, 2020 / O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Econоmy in Kharkiv, TESOL – Ukraine [and oth.]. – Львів : «Галицька видавнича спілка», 2020. – 446 p.
Students participation of the educational-scientific program “Smart transport and logistics for cities” in scientific conferences:
– Anna Mykhalenko The research of effectiveness delivery transportation process confectionery products while using electric fright vehicle in Ukraine // 11th International Conference: The future and challenges of the European transport and logistics market, Cracow University of Technology. 11 – 18 January 2019. (Certificate of oral presentation)
Creating the Research Center and implementing the Living lsboratory approach got the following results:
– Implementation in the Master Thesis;
– Using in research to obtain a PhD and Doctoral (Full Professor) degree;
– Receiving grants “Consulting services for the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PSMM) of Kharkiv” (Develop 3 mobility scenarios: short-term, medium-term and long-term by 2050; diagnosis of the current state and problems of urban mobility in Kharkiv).
More information about the SmaLog implementation and dissemination activities can be found on the:
– Web site of the Project SmaLog
– Facebook page of the Project SmaLog
– Twitter page of the Project SmaLog
More information about the SmaLog implementation and dissemination activities by Transport systems and Logistics Department O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv can be found on the:
– Web site of the Transport systems and Logistics Department
– Instagram page
– Facebook page
– Youtube channel